- Ackers, R.G., D. Moss, B.E. Picton and S.M.K. Stone 1985. Sponges of the British Isles ("Sponge IV"). I. Marine Conservation Soc., Ross on Wye, U.K.: 1-107.
- Ackers, R.G.A., D. Moss and B.E. Picton 1992. Sponges of the British Isles ("Sponge V"), a colour guide and working document. Marine Conservation Society, 175 pp.
- Arndt, W. 1935. Porifera. Tierwelt Nord.-Ostsee, IIIa: 1-140, figs. 1-239.
- Beauchamp, P. de 1914. Les grèves de Roscoff. Lechevalier, Paris.
- Borojevic, R., L. Cabioch and C. Lévi 1968. Spongiaires. Inventaire Faune Marine de Roscoff. 44 pp.
- Bowerbank, J.S. 1866. A monograph of the British Spongiadae, II. Ray Society, London: i-xx, 1-388.
- Bowerbank, J.S. 1874. A monograph of the British Spongiadae, III. Ray Society, London: i-xvii, 1-367, pls. I-XCII.
- Bowerbank, J.S. 1882. A monograph of the British Spongiadae, IV. Ray Society, London. xvii, 250 pp., 17 pls.
- Bruce, J.R., J.S. Colman and N.S. Jones 1963. Marine fauna of the Isle of Man and its surrounding seas. L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 36. 307 pp. (sponges: 42-47).
- Burton, M. 1957. Plymouth Marine Fauna. 3rd ed. Porifera. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K.: 26-36.
- Duchassaing de Fonbressin, P. and G. Michelotti 1864. Spongiaires de la mer Caraïbe. Nat. Verh. Holl. Maatsch. Wetensch. Haarlem, (2) 21 (3): 1-124, pls. 1-25.
- Hamond, R. 1970. The marine Protozoa, Mesozoa and Porifera of Norfolk. pp. 83-89 (no further data on journal).
- Könnecker, G. 1973. Littoral and benthic investigations on the west coast of Ireland-I. (Section A: Faunistic and ecological studies). The sponge fauna of Kilkieran Bay and adjacent waters. Proc. roy. Irish Acad., 73 (B): 451-472.
- Prenant, M. 1927. Notes éthologiques sur la faune marine sessile des environs de Roscoff. II. Spongiaires, Tuniciers, Anthozoaires. Associations de la faune fixée. Trav. Stat. biol. Roscoff, 6: 1-58.
- Stephens, J. 1912. Marine Porifera of the Clare Island Survey. Proc. roy. Irish Acad., 31 (59): 1-41.
- Stephens, J. 1914. Sponges of the coast of Ireland. 1.-The Triaxonida and part of the Tetraxonida. Fisheries Ireland, Sci. Investigations,.
- Topsent, E. 1891a. Essai sur la faune de spongiaires de Roscoff. Arch. Zool. expér. gén., (2) 9: 523-554.
- Topsent, E. 1892a. Contribution à l'étude des spongiaires de l'Atlantique Nord. Rés. Camp. sci. Prince Monaco, 2: 1-165, pls. I-XI.
- Topsent, E. 1894b. Étude sur la faune des spongiaires du Pas-de-Calais, suivie d'une application de la nomenclature actuelle à la monographie de Bowerbank. Rev. Biol. Nord France, 7: 6-29.
- Topsent, E. 1900. Étude monographique des spongiaires de France. 3. Monaxonida (Hadromerina). Arch. Zool. exp. gén., (3) 8: 1-331, 8 pls.
- Topsent, E. 1932. Remarques sur des Éponges de l'estuaire de la Rance. Bull. Lab. St. Servan, 8: 1-7.
- Voultsiadou-Koukoura, E. and R.W.M. van Soest 1993. Suberitidae (Demospongiae, Hadromerida) from the North Aegean Sea. Beaufortia, 43 (11): 176-186.