Spongosorites genitrix

(Schmidt, 1870)

Species Overview

Spongosorites genitrix (Schmidt, 1870) is a yellowish massive sponge with grooved surface. Its consistency is firm, crumbly. It is a deep water species.

Taxonomic Description

Colour: Yellowish or brownish green, exhibiting a colour change to darker, violet tinges when brought above the surface.
Shape, size, surface and consistency: Massive, flattened sponges of 10-15 cm in diameter. Oscules in grooves. Interior riddled by holes and canals. Consistency firm, crumbly.
Spicules: Oxeas, often irregular in shape, of variable size; 90-600 µm.
Skeleton: Thoroughly confused.
Ecology: On stones at greater depths, below 16 m.
Distribution: Roscoff, W coast of Ireland, Norway; Greenland.
Etymology: Genetrix or genitrix (Latin) = mother or founding mother; it is unclear to which aspects of the sponge Schmidt was referring with this name.
Type specimen information: The type is in the Copenhagen Museum. One slide is in London: BMNH 1870.5.3.109 (Schmidt slide).


This species remains ill-known. It is here assumed that Spongosorites placenta Topsent (1896) (the type of Spongosorites ) is a junior synonym (Spongosorites placenta type). S . difficilis Lundbeck (1902) may also be a synonym but for the time being is considered a separate species because of its smaller spicule sizes and colour change.
Source: Schmidt (1870).