Familia Leucosoleniidae

Minchin, 1900a

Definition: Leucosolenida with a continuous choanoderm that lines all of the internal cavity of the sponge. There is no common cortex.

Remarks: Three genera are recognized, Leucosolenia, Ascute and Ascyssa , the latter of doubtful status.

Source: Borojevic et al. unpublished.

Genus represented in the area:
Leucosolenia Bowerbank, 1864 (type species Spongia botryoides Ellis and Solander, 1786) (with numerous synonyms, especially by Haeckel, 1872): encrusting network of more or less erect asconoid tubes which may branch, or throw out lateral diverticula, but seldom anastomose except occasionally at base of main tubes; surface minutely hispid; texture soft; skeleton of sagittal triactines and sagittal tetractines, with apical rays projecting into cloacal cavity, and oxeas with lanceolate distal ends (Burton, 1963).

Species included:
Leucosolenia botryoides
Leucosolenia complicata
Leucosolenia fragilis
Leucosolenia variabilis