Burton, 1929
Definition: Mycalina with an anisotropic skeleton of bundles of oxeas; no ectosomal skeleton; microscleres elongate palmate isochelae (Isodictya palmata Koltun).
Remarks: This is a controversial family erected for three genera (Coelocarteria , Isodictya and Cercidochela ), the latter two of which may prove to be synonymous. The group has been associated recently (Hajdu et al., 1994) with Haplosclerida, families Phloeodictyidae (Coelocarteria ) and Niphatidae (the others), because of similarities in architecture and megascleres. However, the possession of chelae is so far restricted to Poecilosclerida and their occurrence in Haplosclerida so far has found little support.
Source: Hooper's Internet Sponge Guide.
Genus represented in the area:
Isodictya Bowerbank, 1866 (type species Spongia palmata Ellis and Solander, 1786) (syn. Homoeodictya Ehlers, 1870; Neoesperiopsis de Laubenfels, 1949; Platychalina Ehlers, 1870; Textiliforma de Laubenfels, 1936): lobate or palmate growth forms; megascleres are oxeas; microscleres are modified palmate isochelae with slightly curved shaft and expanded all the way along from end to end with the two lateral palms remaining united together.
Species included:
Isodictya palmata