Familia Hamacanthidae

Gray, 1872

Definition: Encrusting to massive Mycalina. Skeleton consists of a tangential ectosomal and reticulate choanosomal skeletal components, composed of monactinal (styles), diactinal (oxeas), or both sorts of megascleres. Megascleres produce multispicular tracts and and generally form irregular, plumo-reticulate or reticulate structures, with little or no associated spongin. Scattered monactinal or diactinal megascleres, or bundles of these spicules, occur within the mesohyl. Microscleres include sharp-toothed diancistras (s diancistra) or cyrtancistras, sometimes with toxas, individual or bundles of raphides (trichodragmata), or sigmas.

Remarks: 8 nominal genera are included here, although only 2 are considered to be valid.
Review: Hajdu, 1994.

Source: Hooper's Sponguide.

Genus represented in the area:
Hamacantha Gray, 1867 (type species Hymedesmia johnsoni Bowerbank, 1864) (syn. Athnacama de Laubenfels, 1936; ? Crellancistra de Laubenfels, 1936; Evomerula de Laubenfels, 1936; Hypsispongia de Laubenfels, 1935 [in part]; Vomerula Schmidt, 1880; Zygherpe de Laubenfels, 1932): ectosomal reticulation, choanosomal subtylostyles, fibres echinated by diancistra microscleres which also form rosettes dispersed between bundles of megascleres.

Species included:
Hamacantha falcula
Hamacantha johnsoni
Hamacantha papillata