Halichondria johnstonia n.sp. Bowerbank in Johnston, 1842: 198, pl. 5 fig. 3.
Pachymatisma johnstonia : Bowerbank in Johnston, 1842: 244; Bowerbank, 1844: 64, pl. 6 figs.1-8; 1864: 172, pl. 1 figs. 12, 15, 17, 20-21, pl. 2 figs. 45-46, pl. 4 fig. 93, pl. 6 figs. 158-159, pl. 24 figs. 330-332, pl. 27 fig. 353; 1866: 51; 1874: 17, pl. 8; Carter, 1869: 8, figs. 7-18; Sollas, 1882; Higgin, 1886: 87; Sollas, 1888: 243; Brunchorst, 1890; Hanitsch, 1890: 229; Topsent, 1891a: 526; 1891b: 128; Topsent, 1894: 321, pl. 11, pl. 16; 1894b: 7; Pruvot, 1897: 587; De Beauchamp, 1914: 166; Stephens, 1912: 18; 1914: 16; 1917: 4; Prenant, 1927: 44; Burton, 1930a: 490; Burton, 1931: 2; Burton, 1931(1932): 168; Topsent, 1932: 2; Arndt, 1935: 28, fig. 39; Alander, 1942: 74; Burton, 1957: 29; Burdon-Jones and Tambs-Lyche, 1960: Table I; Burton in Bruce et al., 1963: 44; Borojevic et al., 1968: 3; Descatoire, 1969a: 183; Könnecker, 1973: 455; Cabioch, 1973: 5; Van Soest and Weinberg, 1980: 9; Van Soest et al., 1981: 38; Lombas, 1982: 44; Ackers, 1983: 162; Hiscock et al., 1983(1984): 19, pl. 1a; Ackers et al., 1985: 67, photo 12; Stone et al., 1987; Solórzano, 1991: 18; Ackers et al., 1992: 62, photo 176.
Caminus osculosus n.sp. Grübe, 1872: 132; Koehler, 1884, 1886.
Pachymatisma normani n.sp. Sollas, 1888: 243.