Cliona vastifica

Cliona vastifica n.sp. Hancock, 1849: 342, pl. XV fig. 12; 1867: 237, pl. VII fig. 2; Topsent, 1888a: 46, pl. III figs.1-7, pl. VII fig. 3; 1891a: 530; 1891b: 129; 1894b: 7; 1899: 105; 1900: 56, pl. II fig. 3-9; Stephens, 1914: 24; 1917: 4; Burton, 1931(1932): 169; Arndt, 1933: 54; Arndt, 1935: 45, fig. 76; Alander, 1942: 80; Lévi, 1950b: 8; Burton in Bruce et al., 1963: 44; Borojevic et al., 1968: 6; Tendal, 1973: 107; Cabioch, 1973: 5; Solórzano and Babio, 1979: 47; Durán and Solórzano, 1982: 52; Rützler and Stone, 1986: 667, figs. 6c-d; Solórzano, 1991: 21;
Cliona gracilis n.sp. Hancock, 1849: 334, pl. XIV fig.7; 1867: 238, pl. VII fig. 4; Rützler and Stone, 1986: 662, fig. 5c-d
Cliona corallinoides n.sp. Hancock, 1849: 337, pl. XV figs.1-2; 1867: 238, pl. VII fig. 3; Rützler and Stone, 1986: 661, figs. 5a-b.
Cliona northumbrica n.sp. Hancock, 1849: 333, pl. XV fig. 5.
Pione vastifica : Gray, 1867: 525
Pione corallinoides : Gray, 1867: 525
Vioa vastifica : Fristedt, 1885: 15, pl. II fig. 3