Spongia dichotoma n.sp. Esper, 1791-1794: 202, pl. X
Raspailia dichotoma : Ehlers, 1870: 8
Raspailia moebii n.sp. Schmidt, 1875: 120; Thiele, 1903: 394.
Dictyocylindrus abyssorum n.sp. Carter, 1876: 232, pl. XII fig. 3, pl. XV fig. 25.
Clathria abyssorum : Vosmaer, 1880: 154; Arndt, 1913: 119.
Raspailia abyssorum : Fristedt, 1885: 48, pl. IV fig. 1.
Clathria dichotoma : Arnesen, 1903: 21, pl. III fig. 4, pl. VI fig. 8; Stephens, 1921: 55; Koltun, 1959: 184, fig. 145.
Clathria abyssorum : Arndt, 1913: 119.
Dictyoclathria dichotoma : Topsent, 1920: 21; Burton, 1930a: 501; Burton, 1931: 6; Arndt, 1935: 81, fig. 169.
Esperiopsis artemisinae n.sp. Brøndsted, 1932: 9, figs. 3-4.
Antho dichotoma : Alander, 1942: 63; Burdon-Jones and Tambs-Lyche, 1960: 5; Van Soest and Stone, 1986: 44.