Antho coriacea

Isodictya coriacea n.sp. Bowerbank, 1874: 228, pl. LXXVI figs. 7-12; Bowerbank, 1882: 136.
Dirrhopalum coriaceum : Ridley, 1881: 481, pl. XXIX figs.3-7
Plocamilla coriacea : Lévi, 1960: 80; Van Soest and Weinberg, 1980: 10; Van Soest et al., 1981: 43; Solórzano et al., 1991: 177; Solórzano, 1991: 38; Ackers et al., 1992: 141, fig. 152
Plocamia coriacea : Könnecker, 1973: 458
Antho coriacea : Van Soest and Stone, 1986: 43.