Lundbeck, 1905
Definition: Encrusting, massive (Mycale laevis on root), fan-shaped, cup-shaped and branching growth forms. Subectosomal sculpturing, grooves and ridges often found on the surface, within which are usually found the ostia. Radially arranged plumose skeleton or plumoreticulate skeleton, composed of styles or oxeas enclosed in spongin fibres. Without specialised ectosomal spicules, although choanosomal spicules may form dense brushes at the surface. Microscleres are characteristically palmate anisochelae and/or isochelae, sigmas, toxas and raphides.
Remarks: Members of this family range in habitat from tidal waters down to at least 5340 m (Hartman, 1982). Ten genera are recognised here, although some of these may also be synonyms of Mycale . Many subgenera are also in use, within Mycale , but the validity and status of some these is questionable.
Source: Hooper's Internet Sponge Guide.
Genera represented in the area:
Esperiopsis Carter, 1887(type species Esperia villosa Carter, 1874): ectosomal skeleton absnet; choanosomal styles forming plumoreticulate architecture; microscleres are palmate isochelae, and occasionally toxas.
Mycale Gray, 1867 (type speciesHymeniacidon lingua Bowerbank, 1864)(syn. Acamas , in part, Duchassaing and Michelotti, 1864; Acamasina de Laubenfels, 1936; Aegogropila Gray, 1867; Carmia Gray, 1867; Esperella Vosmaer, 1885; Esperia , in part Nardo, 1833; Grapelia Gray, 1867; Mycalecarmia de Laubenfels, 1936; Oxycarmia de Laubenfels,1954; Parisociella Burton, 1952; Protoesperia Czerniavsky, 1879; Pseudoesperia Carter, 1886; Raphioderma Bowerbank, 1869; Raphiodesma , in part, Bowerbank, 1874; Rhaphidotheca Saville-Kent,1872; Sceptrospongia Dendy, 1926): microscleres are anisochelae, some species also with sigmas, toxas [3 subgenera are represented in the area: Mycale (Mycale ) , Mycale (Carmia ) , Mycale (Aegogropila )] (M. carmigropila microscleres) (M. magnirhaph. microscleres)
Oxymycale Hentschel, 1929 (type species Esperia intermedia Schmidt, 1875): like Mycale but with oxeas as megascleres.
Paresperella Dendy, 1905 (type species Esperia serratohamata Carter, 1880): like Mycale but sigmas with teeth (serrated).
Ulosa De Laubenfels, 1936 (type species Spongia stuposa Esper, 1794) (sy. Stylaxinella Vacelet, 1960): rectangular reticulation of spongin encased styles (occasionally modified to strongyles); no microscleres. Reference: Van Soest , 1987.
Species included:
Esperiopsis fucorum
Esperiopsis lobata
Esperiopsis villosa
Mycale contareni
Mycale lingua
Mycale macilenta
Mycale marshallhalli
Mycale micracanthoxea
Mycale minima
Mycale retifera
Mycale rotalis
Mycale similaris
Ulosa stuposa
Species not treated here:
Esperiopsis incognita Stephens (1916), Ireland, deep water
Esperiopsis macrosigma Stephens (1916), Ireland, deep water
Esperiopsis schmidti (Arnesen, 1903), Norway, cf. Arndt, 1935; 53, fig. 91.
Mycale massa (Schmidt, 1862), ?Norway, cf. Arndt, 1935: 49, fig.83.
Oxymycale intermedia (Schmidt, 1874), Arctic, cf. Koltun. 1959
Paresperella atlantica Stephens (1917), W Ireland, deep water