Familia Dictyonellidae

Van Soest et al., 1990

Definition: Halichondrida with choanosomal skeleton lacking any axial compression or marked differentiation between axial and extra-axial regions, but has spongin-enforced dendritic choanosomal spicule tracts and a fleshy conulose surface. Ectosomal skeleton absent. Megascleres include oxeas, styles or both in equal proportion. Microscleres are absent (Dictyonella Vosmaer).

Remarks: 6 nominal and 5 probably valid genera are presently included in the family.

Genera represented in the area:
Dictyonella Schmidt, 1868 (type species Dictyonella cactus Schmidt, 1868) (syn. Phacanthina Vosmaer, 1912; Perissinella Topsent, 1928): massive to arborescent; choanosomal skeleton a plumose-dendritic arrangement of thick diffuse bundles of megascleres bound by moderate amounts of spongin; many loose spicules veering off the bundles at all angles; megascleres flexuous styles or oxeotes with telescoped endings.

Scopalina Schmidt, 1862 (type species: S . lophyropoda Schmidt, 1862): encrusting growth form, prominently conulose; skeleton hymedesmoid with heavy basal spongin fibres on substrate and ascending non-anastomosing fibres cored by plumose brushes of styles; microscleres absent.

Tethyspira Topsent, 1890 (type species: Tethea spinosa Bowerbank, 1874): encrusting and massive growth forms; choanosomal skeleton consists plumose columns of long styles; skeletal tracts echinated by highly modified microscleres resembling acanthostyles with very large perpendicular spines.
N.B. Hooper (1991) assigns Tethyspira to the family Raspailiidae, order Poecilosclerida.

Species included:
Dictyonella madeirensis
Dictyonella pelligera
Tethyspira spinosa

Species not included:
Scopalina lophyropoda Schmidt (1862), Straits of Gibraltar