Familia Phoriospongiidae

Von Lendenfeld, 1888

Definition: Encrusting, massive, flabellate or digitate growth forms. Ectosomal skeleton frequently absent, replaced by arenaceous or spicular detritus, but typically with areolate pore sieve plates on surface. Ectosomal and choanosomal megascleres undifferentiated, usually strongyles (sometimes secondarily lost). Choanosomal spicules, if present, are auxiliary megascleres (of ectosomal origin), whereas principal spicules are absent. Microscleres, if present, are arcuate isochelae, sometimes modified to unguiferous forms, and sigmas.

Remarks: 17 nominal genera are provisionally included in this family, although only 11 of these are considered here to be valid; two of these are represented in the area. The family is in need of revision.

Source: Hooper's Internet Sponge Guide.

Genera represented in the area:
Batzella Topsent, 1894 (type species Halichondria inops Topsent, 1891) (syn. Collosclerophora Dendy, 1917): encrusting; ectosomal skeleton membraneous, without specialised spiculation; choanosomal skeleton reduced to a hymedesmoid loosely plumose skeleton of strongyles (tornotes); no microscleres. Reference: Van Soest et al., 1996.

Hemimycale Burton, 1934 (type species:Desmacidon columella Bowerbank, 1866): styles and anisostrongyles in both ectosomal and choanosomal skeletons forming plumose tracts.
N.B. Possibly, this genus is a reduced member of the family Anchinoidae.

Species included:
Batzella inops
Hemimycale columella