Burton, 1929
Definition: Encrusting or massive sponges belonging the poecilosclerid suborder Mycalina. Special ectosomal spicules absent, but choanosomal spicules may protrude through surface. Choanosomal skeleton is reticulate, isodictyal-reticulate or plumoreticulate, with a single category of subtylostyles or oxeas. Microscleres are placochelae (Guitarra fimbriata) (Guitarra fimbriata 2 placos ) and modifications, sometimes also with peculiarly spined palmate-derived isochelae (Guitarra fimbriata chela) and sigmancistras.
Remarks: 6 nominal genera are inlcuded in this family, only 4 of which are currently recognised: furthermore, one of these (Hoplakithara ) may be a synonym of Guitarra .
Review: Hajdu et al. (1994).
Source: Hooper's Internet Sponge Guide.
Genus represented in the area:
Guitarra Carter, 1874 (type species G . fimbriata Carter, 1874) (syn. Pocilloguitarra
Topsent, 1928): massive; ectosomal skeleton composed of erect brushes of oxeas arising from the choanosomal skeleton; choanosomal skeleton a regular reticulation or isodictyal reticulatino of oxeas; megascleres are oxeas, rarely stylote; microscleres are placochelae, bipocillae (biplacochelae) and small palmate isochelae with spines in bouquets. References: Boury-Esnault et al., 1993.
Species included:
Guitarra fimbriata
Species not treated:
Guitarra laplani Boury-Esnault et al., 1993, off the Moroccan coast, deep water.
Guitarra solorzanoi Cristobo, 1998, off Galicia, 30-50 m, uncertain status.